Thats it folks! The first semester in finished! But now comes that dreaded time of year....exams. The most stressful time for many, exams mark a milestone in the school year. Its the mid-way part of the year, and as scary as may be, there are many positives to take from the exam period. Some of these are:
1) Its Christmas. Need i say more? Christmas is a time of sharing and caring, and residence is blooming with the Christmas spirit this time of year. Potlucks, decorations, Christmas music, and ugly sweaters fill the hallways. Who could complain about that?
2) Home. As soon as exams are done, a much deserved break comes. Going home to comfy beds, home cooked meals, pets, friends, family, and most importantly, no school work is always a welcomed treat, especially after exams. So when your biting your fingernails at the throughout of exams, just remember the light at the end of the tunnel.
3) Quietness. Exams are the best time to sleep. With people studying all day and night, its often a good time to catch up on sleep while residence has peace and quiet.
For those who are busy studying for exams, here are some quick tips and tricks to help get you through the month.
- Make a study schedule to help give yourself goals and remain organized
- Re-write your notes! This is a great way to increase retention rates.
- Cramming is not the way to go. Trying to cram the night before is proven to be ineffective, as the brain can't process all the information its receiving.
- Appropriate practice. Use study types that are relevant, such as sample questions for math courses, instead of reading over the material.
- Become distraction free. Turn off the xbox, clean your room, try and remove all the little things like Facebook and Twitter from your study space to avoid temptation.
- Study groups can be helpful, find people in your class and study/ help each other learn the content.
- Finally, take a break! Dont overwhelm yourself, youll work better when your fresh and focused!
Now..there is one thing left to say....GOODLUCK! and see you all in January!
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